Photo Credit: Roving Rube. Viewpoint Entrance to Central Park Zoo; 3/17/02 12:31 PM.

Notes (Roving Rube): These sculptures are among five installations in Central Park; part of the Whitney Biennial exhibition -- every two years the Whitney Museum does a controversial roundup of what they feel is the best of contemporary art. For the first time some of the pieces have been created especially for Central Park -- a great idea and here's hoping it becomes a new tradition.

These "Sirens and Harpies" (the harpies are perched up on the brick pillars -- see Alternate View) are by the New York artist Kiki Smith.

The Rube was studying the label for this piece in hopes it would make some interesting observation so he wouldn't have to think of one ("it's neat" is all that usually comes to mind), when he noticed that it was sponsored by the Public Art Fund as well as the Whitney. Since he had just taken a tour in which the Public Art Fund organization was mentioned, he went to their website, and besides learning of some other "neat" outdoor artworks past and present, found out that Kiki and the other artists would be giving a lecture at the New School on March 26. If he can get in, count on some interesting observations being reported here on March 27th!