Photo Credit: Roving Rube. Viewpoint: Broadway between 44th and 45th St., looking northeast; 3/12/02 1:50 PM.

Notes (Roving Rube): From this angle, and from the same angle on the other side, it appears that the corner offices in the front of the Bertelsman building are connected to the rest of the building by a narrow corridor, and have windows on all four corners.

Even now that he knows different, and is tilting his head and squinting, the Rube still can't make those false corners go away.

Detail does makes them go away, but adds two more corners to the front of the building. The herringbone pattern at center, with opposed green panels and blue window shades, seems particularly mischievous, however.

Alt View shows the true face of the building. Note also that it is asymmetrical, and the extended left side corner is defined by light green paneling.