Photo Credit: Roving Rube. Viewpoint: Lexington Ave. around 45th St, east side; 3/11/02 9:05 PM.
Notes (Roving Rube): There are a number of these kinds of stores sprinkled around midtown, with fantastically crammed show windows crammed with every kind of treasure. They are seemingly aimed at tourists, since the Rube has always been fascinated by them, but since the window says, Estates Bought and Sold, maybe it is the rich people who keep them in business?
This store is on Lexington by a bunch of hotels;
shows another window on 57th St., near another bunch of hotels.The Rube took a tour of the Waldorf area last night conducted by Justin Ferate, who might be called the tour guide's tour guide, since lots of tour guides take his tours. Discussing the brightly lit and cluttered show windows there, he said that in earlier times there would have been only one object in each window, and it would have been more dimly lit, increasing its mystery and desirability. And there never would been a price tag, as to imply that the buyer for this object would care about money would have been insulting.
In the
, price is mentioned frequently.