Photo Credit: Roving Rube. Viewpoint: 48th St. between 6th and 7th Ave., looking west; 2/9/02 12:08 PM.

Notes (Roving Rube): The Rube was so impressed with the beauty of this video pitch girl that he was inspired to make his first foray into movie-making, which you can see by clicking on the Sound Sample icon (Real Media is required). The images do not synch with the audio properly, check back in a month or so as there's another coding approach which might fix this. Also, it only seems to work in Netscape on the Rube's machine ...

The Girl has a wonderful voice, although it's pitched a touch too loud for normal conversation.

The Rube is reminded of a story of a fellow who was so impressed with "Scottish burr" of the woman's voice in one of the early ATM machines that he tracked her down and hired her to read stuff at his wedding.

This girl is also monomaniacal on getting you to knock on the "interactive window" to "win free stuff". She also claims to be the manifestation of an amazing new technology, and that you will be one of the first people in the world, and that New York City is the only place in the world, where you can try it.

She has been on duty at this card store since Christmas and is currently in Valentine mode. The Rube looks forward to her approach to other key card-buying holidays.