2002 - February

The Beginning

3 Months Ago

3 Months Ahead
1 Year Ahead
1: Three Roads Diverged
2: Poesie, Beaute, and Elegance
3: Perfectly happy with Notre Dame
4: Nowhere to go but up
5: Midtown Noir
6: Site of an awful first date
7: Where's that light coming from?
8: Rockefeller Rink in full swing
9: They think they're better than us
10: Venetian Blind Sign
11: Mystery of the creatures, semi-revealed
12: Sunset at 1585/15
13: Oh, for the life of a photographer/window washer
14: Valentine Video Girl
15: The best-decorated water tower
16: Jonathan Livingston Pigeon
17: National Debt Clock
18: New York Central Building
19: Fountain of Truth
20: Dwellers in the clouds
21: Check shocks before and after exit
22: See the sculpture, buy the sculpture
23: Silver tree amidst the brown
24: He monumentalized the inherently unmonumental
25: She's always waiting for me when I get home from work
26: Don't step on the little people
27: "An Open Air Cathedral of Elms"
28: Where the Easter Parade began