2001 - December

3 Months Ahead

1 Year Ahead
1: Hellfire Lobby
2: Of Men and Elephants
3: I like it cause its blue
4: The view through Big Blue
5: Neon Wreaths
6: Fractured Cornice
7: Papa, Momma, and Baby WorldWide Plaza
8: Worldwide Plaza Pyramid
9: Chili Today, Hot Tamale
10: Swarming Checkerjackets
11: Far from the Madding Crowd
12: Christmas Litmus
13: Clarebout's Angels
14: Love me, love my trees
15: *Versace*Gant*Armani*
16: Think Purple
17: Armani Corner
18: The Worlds Most Dangerous Toy Store
19: The Center of the Toy Universe
20: Sliding-tile Signage
21: Time to get back into Lego!
22: R as in adaptive Re-use
23: Deutsche Bank Ornaments
24: CitiBank Train Layout
25: Rockefeller Plaza from NBC Store
26: Lord and Taylors Christmas Windows
27: "Vintage TV Camera in NBC Store
28: The greatest Victorian glasshouse in the United States
29: Moss and creepers
30: Please Do Not Walk In The Beds
31: Twigs, bark, berries, grapevine, gourds, pinecones, seeds, pods, cork...