Cherry Tree, Upper Fifth Avenue
Photo Credits
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All photos:
Roving Rube
'03 May 1

Rube's Notes:

All these pictures are from yesterday. Which is when the Rube realized that he did not really know the difference between cherries and crabapples, and it is possible that the pink trees in the background of Fig. 1 are crabs.

Fig. 3 does not really do justice to the blond hair and its unexpected appearance to the Rube at this particular moment and place. It was very dramatic. But it did not seem like a good idea to go up to the woman and say, "could I do a photo session about your hair for NYCJPG?" Anyway, if you have a friend with long blond hair, consider using them as a photo prop, especially in the afternoon sun.

There is a photo book, "The Red Couch", wherein "an 8-foot long red, velvet sofa serves as the common centerpiece among all of the various photographs, and acts as a kind of surreal visual motif, provocatively placed within the social scenery of American culture." Anyway, your book could be called "The Blond Hair", and be a good excuse for you and your friend to travel widely. You could build up a big mystery about who is the woman with the blond hair. It might even be made into a motion picture starring Gwyneth Paltrow, if the book sales warrant. Just a thought.

All content Copyright 2003 on behalf of its creators; please obtain permission for anything besides private, noncommercial use.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3