Mark Lentz:

My pictures are taken with a Kodak DC290, and touched up with Adobe Photoshop.

Kodak DC290: Sure, it's clunky, sluggish, and discontinued, but it's done all right by me it is your basic point-and-shoot, and has taken over 14,000 pictures so far without complaint and 2 megapixels seems plenty enough for web work. All you need is two sets of rechargeable AA batteries, and a big enough memory card ($55 for a 128 meg) to click away ad infinitum. Oh, and you need a USB card adapter ($30) to keep uploading the pictures from the card to the hard drive every night. And you need the patience to keep sorting them all out.

However, in my next camera I would be looking for 1) a manual focus ring that I can adjust via the viewfinder; 2) an LCD panel display fast, bright and detailed enough that you can really see right away if your picture came out, and 3) a bigger lens that would use allow shorter shutter times under low light shaky hands cost me a lot of pictures.