Photo Credit: RovingRube
02 November 30







(Photographer's Notes Below)

Doorstop column, parking garage
Doorstop column, window of parking garage in Flatiron district (?)  

~ ~ ~ All content Copyright 2003 on behalf of its creators; please obtain permission for anything besides private, noncommercial use ~ ~ ~

The designer of this building was another column iconoclast (see also Fig. 1 and 2), and would be surprised as the Rube was to see that his building has apparently been converted into a tall parking garage.

[Editor's note: The Rube was crestfallen to learn that we are ending his "Columns" series here, but we had to stop him before he got into the cast-iron column forest of Soho, or his "Fall Foliage" could not be posted until midwinter, with "Holiday Lights" running well into the Spring blooming season.

However, he immediately perked up when we told him he could post additional "column" photos in the soon-to-debut Galleries section of the site.

The Galleries will feature all-new photos on themes previously covered in NYCJPG, but in a slightly larger format optimized for 1024x768 screen resolution. In addition, photos of these subjects can be from other cities besides New York.

If you would like to be notified when the first of these is opened, or of other newsworthy events at NYCJPG, please send an e-mail to the webmaster.]



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